Awesome arms
You've lifted weights or done pushups, and now your arms resemble baseball clubs. Terrific. You were going for that Jennifer Aniston/"random other actresses who work with trainers"-arms. Nice sculpted arms with the little indents.
Ok, want to know how to do this? I'm-a tell ya how it's done.
Ok, stand with your arms out like you're the letter T (but with a neck and head - maybe more like a "t"?), palms facing the floor. Ok, now:
1. rotate your arms forward for thirty seconds.
2. Now rotate them backwards for thirty seconds, palms still facing downwards.
3. Rotate your arms so that your palms are facing up, and like they have a cup of water you keep spilling - do this also for thirty seconds.
Do three sets of this three times a week, and you'll see results. I definitely did. It helps to look in a full-length mirror as you're exercising. It also helps to put on your favorite music.